Sunday, September 11, 2011

An ornery doorknob, lots of rain and cookies, and red paint

Let's start with the life updates. Kim had two interviews. One with the press for a job she really wanted, but they haven't gotten back to her at all, despite her, "Hey, I'm totally willing to put off looking into other jobs for this one, but if you're definitely not interested in me, let me know please." She's been upset about that, but it's back to cover letters for her. She had no extra oomph for writing anything left, so asked me to blog this week.

My job has definitely gotten more interesting since I took over inventory and ordering. Some bits are not too much fun (like when I had to call 20+ people about not getting their delivery orders the previous night because our delivery guy quit and left midway through his shift), but it's mostly making things orderly and keeping track of what we have. I also figure out that I've made at least 2500 cookies so far, and that's a conservative estimate.

I've been taking the bus to work. I get on about a minute's walk away, and then ride for about 20-25 minutes. As long as there isn't someone telling way too many details of his life way too loudly (no, sir, I don't want to hear about your drunken driving escapades, or that time you nearly died missing the water while cliff diving), it's rather relaxing to just sit and look out the window. I get let off 4 blocks down the hill from work. Let me paint a picture of this hill I walk up. It's not a nice gradual rolling hill. It's a "trucks should not go down me I'm so steep" hill for two blocks, then a "aren't I nice in comparison?" but still steep for the other two. I never thought I'd get so tired walking two blocks. On the upside, I understand why so many people here have awesome leg muscles.

We finally have internet at our apartment! We got it hooked up on Thursday. It's still a novelty to go, "Hmm... We have a quart of peaches. Let's make cobbler! We can look at recipes online!"

In other apartment news, we're nearly finished painting our kitchen red. Unfortunately, I can't include pictures because my camera battery is dead and I can't find where I packed my recharger. There's wood paneling on the bottom half of the wall, and the top half was a yucky blue color. We were a little wary of it being too dark, but the red looks wonderful. We're so excited to do the last coat and take the blue tape off the trim and green drop cloth off the floor. It actually feels like somewhere we want to cook/eat in.

I believe that's it on life updates.

We had two... adventures, if you will. The first was getting 5"+ of rain in a day. I went to the work and the usually-subdued creek/waterfall across the road was roaring. There was flash flood warnings on the radio all day. When Kim picked me up from work, we went to B&N for me to check my email and then we scooted across the street to Wegmans (I just googled that. Shouldn't that have an apostrophe? Doesn't that make more sense?) for groceries. That area is probably about far down as you get, and you could tell. Whole lanes on the road were flooded. Luckily it was built with the middle higher than the sides so the middle two lanes were still passable. As soon as we started up the hill, though, there were no road-related problems.

The other "adventure," involves our lovely bathroom. I was in the kitchen or something and I hear a pitious "Daar?" from the bathroom. I didn't know what was going on, but I suspected there was a large and perhaps hairy spider. I go over and find that the doorknob has somehow stopped working. It was not locked and would not turn. Kim, being necessarily resourceful, began taking the doorknob off with a pair of tweezers because of course the screwdriver is not kept in the bathroom. Who keeps screwdrivers in the bathroom? She managed to get it off, we released her, and then I put the doorknob back on. This time we actually tightened it so hopefully it won't happen again. We do, however, now keep our screwdriver in the bathroom.

I'll end with a list of the riches we acquired from the farmer's markets this week: mixed green/yellow/purple beans, sweet corn, onions, peaches, bell peppers, basswood honey, tomatoes, kale, chard, arugula, garlic, eggplant, and English muffins. Our refrigerator is beautifully full.
